Tag NSG 502

Chronic Ulcer: NSG 502 Research – Week 5 Reply

Comparing Honey-Based Dressings and Negative Pressure Therapy in Chronic Ulcer Wounds: A Literature Review and Database Exploration   Instructions In patients with chronic ulcer wounds (P) how do honey-based dressings (I) compared with negative pressure therapy (C) decrease healing time…

Quasi-Experimental Design: NSG Research 502: Week 6

Quasi-Experimental Design Instructions Choose one of these terms and describe it. Post your PICOT question and explain how the term you selected could be used with it. Research Design Internal Validity Experimental Design External Validity Quasi-experimental Design Selection Bias Non-experimental…

Ethnographic Research: NSG Research 502: Week 7 Reply

Ethnographic Research: From Concepts to Practices in Understanding Immigrant Patients’ Psychiatric Nursing Care Experiences Article   Develop a hypothetical research scenario that would warrant the application of the ethnographic approach. What type of design would be best utilized along with…

Pressure Ulcers: NSG 502 Research – Week 8

Pressure Ulcers: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact of Alternating Pressure Air Mattresses in Hospitalized Patients with Limited Mobility Instruction Describe how you would find a sample that would represent your population of interest Solution The study PICOT question states:…

EBP Project Part 2 Paper Template-NSG 502: Outline

EBP Project Part 2 Paper Template-Outline   Title of Your Paper (Should Reflect the Topic and Be Identical to Title on Next Page) Student Name no credentials NSG 502:  Advanced Nursing Research Wilkes University, Passan School of Nursing Instructor Name…

Pressure ulcers-NSG 502 Research 

Pressure Ulcers Instructions The PICOT Question: In hospitalized patients with limited mobility (P), how does the use of alternating pressure air mattresses (I) compared to no intervention (C) affect the rates of pressure ulcers (O) within six months (T)? Describe…

NSG 502 – Qualitative Research Article Review Template

Qualitative Research Article Review Template Instructions Title That Conveys or Describes the Assignment (Same as Title on Next Page) Student Name University, School of Nursing NSG 502: Advanced Nursing Research Lecturer Due Date Title That Conveys or Describes the Assignment…

NSG 502 Research – Week 9 Reply

NSG 502 Research – Week 9 Reply Instructions This is the post for week 9’s reply. ___________________ Module IX Discussion Post In this week’s module content, we take a look at our hypothetical research study and determine what data collection…

NSG 502 Research – Week 10 PICOT question

NSG 502 Research – Week 10 The PICOT question In hospitalized patients with limited mobility (P), how does the use of alternating pressure air mattresses (I) compared to no intervention (C) affect the rates of pressure ulcers (O) within six…

NSG 502 Research – Week 10 Reply(Safira)

NSG 502 Research – Week 10 Reply Instructions This is the post for week 10’s reply: _____________________ My research proposal focuses on analyzing the impact that COVID-19 had on new nurse’s transition to practices based on changes the pandemic created…